Australia, Photogaphy and Some Baking

Wowza, it has been a long time since my fingers have been tapping away for a TFoil blog. I think I was so burned out after graduation that I imploded. I tried to kick start the blogging again but I just couldn’t get it to stick. Can’t say that it’ll continue, at least on a regular basis of course. Blogging was put on hold, but life wasn’t. I dove back into the real estate market here and got busy with a few sales. Now that the holidays are approaching, things are slowing down a bit….enough to take some time to write.

Photography class – I enrolled in a beginning digital photography during the fall semester. I was kinda not impressed with the instructor. I started at a teeny bit of a disadvantage. I used my 5 year old Canon point and shoot, while everyone else had fancy DLSR camera. I held out for a few weeks but finally bit the bullet. I had a friend who was kind enough to loan me her Canon Rebel T3. Once I started taking photos on that camera, it was all over. I then took the plunge and bought one for my very own. I’m not going to bore you with tons of photos. I am going to show you a few that I really liked. By the way, I did manage to squeak out an A for the class.

IMG_3429Coco, one of my wiener dogs. This was for our pet assignment.

IMG_0810Using available light to photograph a sunset at Ulua Beach in Wailea.

P (68)I used a macro lens to get close up to the flower. As I was shooting, this honey bee landed and became the new subject of my shot.

Perfect example of foreground (fence), midground (corn) and background (sky)

IMG_0950I’ve been getting into clouds lately. I love the texture, shapes and tones.

Why did I not like the teacher? He never really taught us what to do. He told us what to do without explaining why and showing us how. I must admit I was pretty disappointed. I do know more now than before I took the class but I could have really learned a bunch more. Photography is pretty technical and I didn’t realize how much so.

Australia – Yes, I took a trip down under and stayed in the Surry Hills neighborhood in Sydney. It was their version of a bohemian area. I liked it because there were a bunch of things within walking distance. Bondi Beach really rivals some of the best beaches on Maui. I took this wild pic of a  swimming pool at the edge of the ocean. Check it out.

IMG_0598I love the action of the surf, the lines of the pool, the lane markers and the randomness of the swimmers. I would have love to swim here. IMG_0613I loved the varying textures of the foreground rock up against the ocean then the smooth background rocks.

You can’t go to Australia without a trip to the Sydney Opera House. I’ve taken some cool shots using available light and playing with light. What do you think?

IMG_0507Slow shutter speed. Should have had my tripod but didn’t know I’d be shooting this.


IMG_0509Large aperature setting, snap a shot, then move camera before shutter closes. Really interesting effect whenever there are lots of different kinds of lights. I love the ghostly image of the Opera House.

I must say that I look at things differently after this class. I’m constantly looking for how something could be a perfectly composed shot.

In terms of baking, I did manage to do a few things. I made some chocolate cream cheese cupcakes.

IMG_3405I made a wonderful flourless Dark Chocolate, Prune and Dried Cherry Cake. It was such an adult chocolate cake with smoky chocolate flavors. It wasn’t sweet at all. There was only 3 tablespoons of sugar in the whole cake.

IMG_0802I served the cake as one of the many desserts at my Christmas tree trimming party. I also made these Coconut macaroons.

IMG_0871My favorite hors d’oeuvre is the Mousse in Barquette. The flavor of the day was Butternut squash.

IMG_0880I served a buffet style dinner which didn’t look good enough to photograph. The food was good though.

A few interesting tidbits before I leave you. First, I have decided to go refined sugarless and gluten free. Call me crazy but why not do both cold turkey since they are both so intertwined. Also, I have enrolled to become a Master Gardener. I’ve been having so much fun in my garden that I wanted to learn more about it. It’s a 4 month course, then I have to give 50 hours of volunteer time before I can be called a Master Gardener. You can bet that future blogs will be about those two topics. Have a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year! Here’s to the best 2013.

About tinfoilduck

I had this wacky idea to go to culinary school, while maintaining another full time career. I will be blogging about the program and how it affects me as I try to manage my daily life and how I try to keep everything together.
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2 Responses to Australia, Photogaphy and Some Baking

  1. Steve Whipple says:

    a master @ all u do! u hve been busy! amazing pics! happy new year duck!

  2. tinfoilduck says:

    I try! thanks for reading

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